Posted at Nov 18, 2013 6:00 am in Cue the Happy Dance: Latest News about My Books, Entangled, first book contract, Liz Pelletier, Nicole Resciniti, persistence
Today I’m thrilled to share the news that every writer dreams of: my first book contract for my young adult novel HOW TO DROP A CLASS AND FALL IN LOVE.
The past few months have been a whirlwind of writing dreams come true: my manuscript finaled in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer’s Colorado Gold contest; I received the official acceptance from my new publisher, the amazingly successful and innovative Entangled Publishing; met Wonder Woman aka Liz Pelletier (Entangled’s founder and publisher); and I signed with dynamic literary agent Nicole Resciniti.
I’ve been dreaming of this day since I was seven years old and wrote my first stories in a notebook that I carried with me everywhere. And yeah, I’m a writer, but putting into words what it feels like to actually have a lifelong dream come true? Impossible. Sometimes visuals work better:

Announcing my news on my critique group’s blog, surrounded virtually by my writing mentors, just adds to the celebration. You can pop over there to read more about my news, and my rambling advice to others pursuing the writing dream, or you can stay here and dance with me some more!

It takes a village to push a writer up the mountain toward her dreams, pick her up and dust her off when she’s about to give up, and do the happy dance with her when it’s time to celebrate. I’ve been so fortunate to be surrounded by an awesome village: the wonderful Wild Writers’ critique group, supremely supportive spouse and spawn, paper-pushing (book-buying) parents, and mind-blowing mentors…all of whom would like to take an axe to my alliterations…
If you are also following the writing dream, the best advice I can give you is to connect with other writers, push through those crappy first drafts until you type “The End,” and never, ever, ever give up!
I love to connect with readers, writers and anyone else hooked on books (and chocolate…and movies…and music…pretty much all the good stuff in life!) Visit me here, and find me on Facebook and Twitter, too!
I’m so excited for you! Looking forward to reading Drop A Class….
Thank you, Patricia!
Congrats on the book! Heard the good news on the YARWA loop!
Thank you, Tracy!
That is AWESOME news, Lisa! Congratulations! You must be on cloud 9.
Thanks, Gisele! I’m definitely in the clouds