Posted at Sep 26, 2014 6:00 am in First Look Friday, Tiffany Truitt, YA Reader Week
YA Reader Appreciation Blog Hop: First Look Friday

I’m thrilled to welcome Tiffany Truitt for First Look Friday! Take it away, Tiffany!
I would like to start off by thanking Lisa for hosting me today! I am so excited she agreed to be a part of the YA Reader Week Blog Hop 🙂
Now, let’s get to First Look Friday.
My current novel, The Language of Silence, is my first YA Contemporary novel. Previously, I published the YA Dystopian / Sci-fi series, The Lost Souls (Chosen Ones, Naturals, and Creators). I might, just might, have some news about my return to the science fiction world soon, but until then, I will share what I am currently working on…a yet unnamed contemporary NA Romance. Told using a third person omniscient narrator, the novel tells the story of two best friends who go on a wild road trip together the summer before starting college. So, here it is…a sneak peek:
Chapter 1:
It felt good
The kind of good that made her skin tingle and stretch, ready to rip with the burning, urgent tempestuous need for more. The aching physical need that whispered of things still unknown. Comfortably peaceful in its ability to make her fall completely away from the world and sublimely frightening because she didn’t know where it would take her.
The way his hands seemed to touch all of her, and yet not touch her enough. The breathy sentences that crawled from his lips, sweeping their polysyllabic promises of more to come across her collar bone, punctuated with soft kisses.
It felt darn-tooting good.
And then it was darn-tooting gone. Quickly. Abruptly. Annabel Lee Cooke shot up in her bed, drenched in sweat and beet red from the tip of her nose to her little pinky toe. That little piggy had had a very naughty dream. Dreams Annabel had been having for weeks.
With a grunt, and not the kind that filled her dreams, Annabel threw off her covers and begrudgingly got out of her bed. Someone, and she had a pretty good idea who that someone was, found it perfectly acceptable to honk his horn outside of her bedroom window at five in the morning.
There was only one person she knew that stupid. Kennedy Hoyle. The most incorrigible, annoying, pretentious boy she ever had the misfortune of knowing. A boy who never failed to get under her skin. The same boy who had been Annabel’s friend since sixth grade. The boy she never could stay mad at. Not for long. Something Kennedy Hoyle knew. And so he pushed every damn button he could.
Barnes and Noble
Evernight Teen
About the Author: Tiffany Truitt received her MA in literature from Old Dominion University. Her debut Chosen Ones, first in the Lost Souls trilogy, is a searing look at what it means to be other and how we define humanity, as well as a celebration of the dangerously wonderful feeling of falling in love.
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RT @LBrownRoberts: I’m thrilled to host an awesome First Look Friday by @tiffanytruitt from TLOS Also enter our raff…
Here’s a sneak peek at my work in progress (my first shot at New Adult and first time writing in third person)