Posted at Sep 22, 2014 6:00 am in Brampton Beach, D.R. Graham, Man Crush Monday, YA Reader Appreciation Week

Welcome to YA Reader Week! I’m happy you stopped by for Man Crush Monday today! Today I’m hosting D.R. Graham’s Man Crush Monday Post, so please read on and don’t forget to check out the Rafflecopter link for great prizes!
Introducing: Trevor James Maverty
Search and Rescue Volunteer University Student Born in Burnaby, British Columbia. Moved to Brampton Beach with his dad and sister when he was seven years old. Pisces Trevor looks similar to this model (if anyone knows his name, please let me know in the comments). The Search and Rescue photo was taken by photographer Amanda Evans. His sister, Kailyn, looks similar to the actress Lauren Potter.
Excerpt from Book 1 of the Brampton Beach Series: PUT IT OUT THERE
“Deri!” Murphy’s booming voice startled me. He lunged forward and swung me around in a big bear hug. “Welcome home.” He put me down and reached into the open window of his truck to get his phone off the dashboard. “What are you doing out here all by yourself? Trevor’s been dying to see you.” “I doubt it. He didn’t even want to talk to me after his fall.” Murphy’s expression changed and he glanced back at the house. “He wants to see you, Deri. Trust me.” I bit my bottom lip. “I’m not feeling that well. I might just go home and see him in the morning.” Murphy grinned in a funny way. “Get inside. You’ll feel better once you see him. Besides, I won’t live if he finds out that you were here and I let you go home without at least saying hello.” “Don’t tell him that you saw me.” “He’s going to smell your perfume on me.” “He doesn’t even know what perfume I wear.” He chuckled. “He knows everything about you and he’s been whining about missing you for five months. If you don’t walk in there on your own I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you in.” I stood staring at the house and took a deep breath. I twisted my hair around my finger and bit at my bottom lip. “That’s it – you’re coming with me.” He scooped me up and bent me over his shoulder. “No Murphy! Let me go!” I screamed, smacked his back, and wiggled my legs. It made no difference. He was way too strong. He walked up the front steps, kicked the door open, and shouted, “Look who I found.” Everyone within a twenty-foot radius was gawking at us. Once Murphy put me down, I saw Trevor immediately. He was across the room and he smiled before weaving through the people to make his way to me. He was wearing a black T-shirt and dark jeans that made him look even sexier than I remembered. I assumed he was going to give me a big hug and swing me around, but he didn’t. He grabbed my hand, pulled me down the hall, and into a bedroom. Judging by the sweaty sock smell, it was either Murphy’s or Ryan’s room. He closed the door and pulled me in as if we were dancing. He dropped his head down until his chin was resting on the top of my head and he hugged me tightly. I started to cry. My cheek was resting on his chest and it felt incredibly comforting as his body rose with each breath. “Welcome home,” I whispered. He didn’t say anything, so I tilted my head to look at him. He was choked up, I could tell. His eyes were definitely glassy and he was tensing his face trying to keep it together. My heart bounced around like a rubber ball inside my chest. Knowing that he was upset made me love him even more – which I hadn’t thought was possible.
Author: D.R. Graham
D.R. Graham is the author of Young Adult and New Adult novels. She worked as a social worker with at-risk youth for seven years before becoming a therapist in private practice. The clients she works with are children and teenagers. Her novels deal with issues relevant to young and new adults in love, transition, or crisis. She is also an award winning columnist for the Richmond News. She currently lives in Vancouver, British Columbia with her husband. 

Bonus Giveaway: Everyone who joins the Graham Crackers Street Team during the Young Adult Reader Appreciation Week September 22-26th, 2014 will be entered into a draw to win a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card

Click to Join the Graham Crackers Street Team
Check out the books that D.R. will be giving away all this week on Twitter and in the raffle:

Thanks for hosting my Brampton Beach Man Crush Monday post, Lisa!
I’m happy to have you! Looking forward to reading your book 🙂
Sounds interesting; can’t wait to read it!!
D.R.Graham is an amazing writer!
RT @debbierigaud: One lucky commenter on this blog post will win a digital copy of PSI ANOTHER DAY by @DRRosensteel! #YAReaderWeek http://t…